I am sure our readers have been wondering where we went and why you did not hear from us for a couple days.

We at DS Drones have been busy getting ready for launch and go-live! It has been a busy couple weeks for us and unfortunately the blog did not get updates as much as we would have liked. The good news is its all coming together very nicely and you will see more and more going live on the store in the coming weeks. We are still actively looking for investors to help ramp this up to a level the market deserves, we are not going away any time soon! There has been some awesome new developments in Drones in the last few weeks and we will be filling in all those cool new devices in the coming days.

Please keep an eye out for the launch as we will be giving away some drones to celebrate our store opening! Thank you for all your support and attention from the DS Drones team.

Desmond Jenkins
DS Drones, CEO, CSM